February, 2017
After my failed attempt in snowboarding in Italy, I strongly felt like I needed to do another trip to the mountains. A couple of friends msged me to go skiing in February, and of course, I said yes.
Baqueira Beret is in Spain, in the Pyrenees Mountains. The Pyrenees mountains are in Spain, Andorra and in France.
We were a group of 5 people, different ages, and different ski experiences.
Ski Resort: Baqueira Beret
Arrival & Departure Airport: Barcelona
Transport to Baqueira Beret: By car, 3 hours 30 minutes, if its snowing, it’ll take up to 5 hours (which was our case going there)
Hotel I stayed at: AC Hotel Baqueira (Marriott)
Other recommended: Himalayas Hotel
Our ski trip was for 6 days. Ski equipments all rented by an in-hotel ski shop (ski shops and ski rental shops are available!).
Personally, I rented my ski shoes, skies, sticks and helmet. Everything else I had with me.
What do you need for a ski trip? (Ski Packing List)
I get asked a lot about clothing when it comes to ski and adventure trips. For this particular trip, this is what I needed:
- Thermal Pants.
You’ll need a thermal for under your ski pants. I don’t recommend getting a thermal top cause it gets really hot while skiing.
- Ski Pants.
Please do not ski in JEANS. There are special ski pants (water-proof) that you could find in different shops. You can also order them online or inquire in any sports and activities shops.
The special ski pants are also breathable will zippers and pockets.
- Ski Jacket, layer number 3.
You’ll also need a special ski jacket. Do not buy a regular warm jacket for skiing. When you go shopping, ask about ski jackets which is usually the last layer you put on after everything else.
The ski jacket is usually breathable, water-proof, with many zippers and usually comes with an attached cloth for cleaning your goggles.
- A jacket under the Ski Jacket as layer number 2.
When you go shopping for a ski jacket, look for a matching jacket that you could wear under. Whichever you decide this jacket be (even if you decided on a thermal), please make sure it has a full zipper in the front. It gets really hot while skiing, you might need to open all the zippers when you go indoor.
- A long sleeved dry-fit blouse or t-shirt as layer number 1.
The very first layer you’ll need is dependent on you and on the weather in the ski area you’re in. If it’s not that cold, I’d recommend you to wear a shirt instead of a long sleeved blouse. If it’s really cold, then definitely a long sleeved dry-fit blouse as you’ll be sweating from the movement of skiing while skiing, but then it gets cold again once you’ve stopped.
- Ski Socks
Ski socks are not the regular socks, there are ski-specific socks it would be good to get a pair.
- Goggles
You could either get your own, or rent goggles. My advise to you, is to buy one and keep it for your personal use over and over again. It’s worth mentioning as I was told before, your ski clothes and equipments are to be used for YEARS and not once only. Having said that, make sure you invest wisely on the ski stuff you’re buying.
- First Layer Gloves & Ski Gloves
I get cold VERY easily. If you’re like me, do follow my advise. You’ll need 2 gloves 1) are the base once you’ll wear them UNDER the ski gloves, so make sure they’re thin. You could also inquire about the gloves that are iPhone/Touch screen friendly to make life easier 2) Ski gloves – make sure they’re ski gloves and not trekking gloves as there is a big difference.
- If it’s really cold, boot/hand warmers
You’ll find those warmers usually in pharmacies. You place them under your gloves/shoes and it warms you up when it gets really cold.
- Headband, earmuffs and a beanie
In my case, I always wear a tight beanie under my helmet (I rent the helmet from the ski rental shop), earmuffs I replaced them with a Muff that covers my mouth, nose and ears.
- Face Muff
I love the face muffs. they cover your head, your face, your neck, your ear.. everything. Winning!
- Sunscreen, Lip Palm and Tissues
When it’s sunny, make sure you’re wearing lotsa sunscreen, and lip palm. Also, make sure you pack tissues you’ll need them while skiing sometimes.
- Water-Proof Camera
If you’re a fan of photography, I would recommend you get a GoPro. It’s the best option for photography while skiing. If your phone is not water-proof, I suggest you do not take it with you while skiing (OR put it in a water-proof case) because it WILL get wet somehow.
Apres Ski:
After skiing, in the slopes there are multiple places to stop, have a meal, a hot chocolate or a drink! If you’re looking for something specific, google Baqueira Apres Skiing and you’ll be able to easily find what you’re looking for.
Night in Baqueira:
At night, we took the bus to go to neighboring towns. We spent time in Vielha – around 20 mins away by bus! Has more shops, more restaurants and things to do.
Some of the restaurants we tried and really liked:
- El Ticolet
- Era Canaula