Antigua & Barbuda

Hello Antigua!! My trip to Antigua was back in 2018. It is pronounced: Antigua, An-TEE’ ga! It is also known as “Waladii or Wadadii” by the native population. I call Antigua the perfect tropical getaway! Visa needed: YES! You must apply online for the visa, it costs 100 USD: Currency: Caribbean Dollars We flew from St […]

St Lucia of the Caribbean

St Lucia was different!   We found St Lucia sooo different than the other islands we visited! It has a mixture of Asia & Africa which was very nice to our trip since it was sort of like a “scenery change” or a break from the consistent stunning flat beach view (like, stunning). But yes, […]

Caribbean Island Hopping

Life Needs the Caribbean ♡ Since we decided to Island hop, it’s been crazy and confusing trying to fit out all the Caribbean islands in one trip. We realized, that 1 month is not enough to see all. My friend and I, then, decided to focus on clusters of islands to be able to hop […]


Curacao, the dutch colonial island was oh-so-beautiful! I expected it to be nice, but I did not expect to like it this much! Willemstad, Curacao’s town is a World Heritage Site with its colorful buildings! It is interesting how you could see the evidence of Spanish, Portuguese, English and French influences on the island blending […]